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Project overview

Resilience Guard is part of a project team that aims to train a network of fellows in the resilience of cultural heritage sites and historic cities to counter the effects of climate change and other geohazards.

Our role includes developing financial risk mitigation tools to improve the resilience of cultural heritage sites. We will also lead a team tasked with integrating several types of technology used in the archaeological field, training a new generation of researchers and, ultimately, communicating the project's findings.

Resilience Guard GmbH participates in the H2020 YADES consortium. The YADES project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 872931.

Project outline

The 48-month YADES project, 'Improved Resilience and Sustainable Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage Areas to cope with Climate Change and Other Hazards based on Innovative Algorithms and Modelling Tools' (start date 1 April 2020), aims to efficiently train a network of fellows in the subject of resilience of Cultural Heritage (CH) areas and historic cities against Climate Change (CC) and other hazards.

To support this goal, YADES will introduce a research framework to downscale the created climate and atmospheric composition, as well as associated risk maps down to the 1x1 km (historic area) scale, and specific damage functions for CH materials. Applying atmospheric modelling for specific CC scenarios at such refined spatial and timescales allows an accurate quantitative and qualitative impact assessment of the estimated micro-climatic and atmospheric stressors to be made.

YADES will perform combined structural/geotechnical analysis of the CH sites and damage assessment under normal and changed conditions, based on the climatic zone, the micro-climate conditions, the petrographic and textural features of building materials, historic data for the structures, the effect of previous restoration processes and the environmental/physical characteristics of the surrounding environment.

Data from an installed monitoring system will be coupled with simulated data from the cultural heritage resilience assessment platform (CHRAP) and will be analysed using a data management system, while supporting communities' participation and public awareness. The data from the monitoring system will feed the Decision-Support-System (DSS) to provide proper adaptation and mitigation strategies. The resulting vulnerability map will be used by the local authorities to assess the threats of CC (and other natural hazards), visualise the built heritage and cultural landscape under future climate scenarios, model the effects of different adaptation strategies, and ultimately prioritise any rehabilitation actions to best allocate funds in both pre- and post-event environments.

Project goals

The YADES project targets the following Strategic Objectives (STO):

STO1. Reliable quantification of climatic, hydrological and atmospheric stressors.

STO2. Multi-Hazard modelling.

STO3. Improved prediction of Structural and Geotechnical safety risk.

STO4. Environmental and material monitoring including state identification and damage diagnosis.

STO5. Design of a Cultural Heritage Resilience Assessment Platform (CHRAP) and a DSS, enabling communities' participation.

STO6. Push innovation through the development of an initial research and training network.

STO7. Provision of a handbook to include: a) technical information on sustainable reconstruction of historic areas b) proper adaptive response strategies for CC and other hazards scenarios c) post-disaster reconstruction examples d) practical checklists and references to assist practitioners, field-workers, cities and cultural authorities in better decision-making e) recovery requirements for various sectors f) information on financial tools to mitigate risk, including a novel set of CH area-specific insurance-linked securities (eg CAT bonds) designed to cover different degrees of extreme CC and non-CC event severity and g) guidelines and techniques to encourage, facilitate, and develop bespoke reciprocal agreements between same type of businesses for timely service recovery.

STO8. Build up specific complementary and market-oriented skills.

Our input

Resilience Guard GmbH is involved in the entire project cycle and will actively contribute to the development of financial risk mitigation tools for enhancing CH sites' resilience. Resilience Guard GmbH will also provide a methodology to feed damage and degradation assessment results into the hazard and resilience models and data, to ensure to ensure that the risk assessment is always current and that information about the actual state of the CH is regularly fed back into the risk assessment.

Furthermore, owing to Resilience Guard GmbH's extensive expertise in offering training and awareness on risk management and assessment issues to various organisations, our company was appointed to lead the Work Package relevant to the "Transfer of knowledge, Training and Networking". The main objective of this WP is to integrate several technologies currently applied in the archaeological field by increasing existing knowledge, training a new generation of researchers in this specific field and by building up a focused network of complementary institutes and companies specialised in the sector. This will be achieved via several training and networking activities in various locations. Based on the project outcomes and the secondment procedures, Resilience Guard GmbH will produce the official training material to communicate the project's findings.

Find out more

More detailed information and news regarding the YADES project can be found on the project's website:
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